The muumuu, or muʻumenuʻu, is essentially a loose fitting dress of Hawaiian origin with a wide belt and a narrow neckline. Like the typical Hawaiian aloha shirt, muumuus for locals are usually brightly colored with bold floral designs of Polynesian tribal motifs. Muumus for locals are normally more subtle in color. The Hawaiian “muumuu” (sometimes spelled as “mumuumu”) is popular for weddings and other gatherings, but is also worn by women and children for everyday wear. A muumu is traditionally worn as an item of clothing during festivities and festivals, but it can be found on its own as well. Muumus may be simple in design patterns, but they do have several common characteristics.
The basic designs of Muumus tend to be floral in nature, and the colors range from pale lilac green to bright red. Some colors used for making muumus have roots that date back to Hawaii’s early period, which is believed to be around 200 B.C. In most cultures, a muumu will feature a small heart shape and the words “kupuna”king” embroidered in large letters. Muumus may be made from different materials including cotton, silk, wool, and jute. In many cases, local fabric such as grass skirts are used to help accentuate the beauty of the flowers and Hawaiian motifs embroidered into the fabric.
Native Hawaiian clothing is one of the most popular accessories among natives. Many have found the muumu or muʻumenu to be a long time favorite. It is very versatile in style and can be worn year round as a casual or evening dress. Hawaiian clothing is a perfect alternative to western or urban styles as both can be used together or separately to create a unique look. The Hawaiian style of clothing also lends itself well to be worn with other Hawaiian accessories. Hawaiian clothing also provides a warm, inviting feel and offers a unique opportunity to connect with your environment and cultural heritage. By combining traditional Hawaiian design with western fashion, you can create a unique look that is sure to please!