The Khukuri and Its History

The Khukuri and Its History

A caftan or khukuri is a garment or variant of the tunic or robe, and is most commonly worn in some Indian countries like Nepal and Bhutan as a form of semi-formal wear, and was of Asian origin. In Russian use, a caftan also refers to a short traditional men’s suit with loose fitting sleeves. Some variations of the Khukuri are a full length or half length, usually made of cloth or a cotton blend and worn with trousers or shirt and tie or jacket, often worn with a belt. For the western countries where the kaftans are used in informal social settings such as pubs and bars or informal business settings, they are generally short or medium length with loose fitting sleeves and no belt.

The Khukuri is often used as a traditional attire or for military operations and for law enforcement agencies in most regions of Asia. The garment is not only worn as a formal garment but also by the people of the different countries of Asia like Nepal, Tibet and Bhutan. The main purpose of wearing the khukuri is to protect the wearer from dust, sun and heat, which can cause skin irritations and diseases. In addition to protection from the elements, it is also a form of cultural expression, especially by the people of Himalayas. It is also a good source of protection for women.

Although Khukuris are known as one of the oldest forms of clothing used for various functions, they have come a long way since their earliest times. The Khukuri garment is still worn by most members of the Indian subcontinent, who are part of the Indo-Portuguese culture. Its popularity is increasing every day and there are many people who prefer to wear it in social events and casual gatherings, but in many areas the Khukuri still remains a traditional garment. The khukuri is known to be an item of importance in the Hindu religion, as it is worn by the deities of Hindu temples and is also considered sacred. The garment is also considered to be an object of respect in some Hindu traditions and some parts of India.